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Hochschule für nachhaltige Entwicklung Eberswalde

Faculty of Landscape Management and Nature Conservation


with nature for human

Welcome to the web pages of the

Faculty of Landscape Management and Nature Conservation

The University of Applied Sciences and the Faculty are dedicated to promoting sustainable development in research, academics and in the university's own operations and activities. The protection and preservation of natural resources are the foundations of a lasting, sustainable economic use. Rural areas, questions of landscape use, regional development, nature conservation, land use through ecological agriculture but also renewable energies are the central topics of our department in teaching, research and transfer. We invite you to get to know our department, our students and staff at the open day, on the following pages and via our image film, our blog ​​​​​​​or the "News" section. Find out about our six accredited degree programs:

The two bachelor's degree programs Landscape Use and Conservation (LaNu) and.
Organic Agriculture and Marketing (Γ–LV) and the two cosecutive master programs
Sustainable Regional Development: Education - Management - Conservation (NaRegio),
Organic Agriculture and Food Systems (OLE), and the two part-time master's programs Strategic Sustainability Management (SNM) and Education-Sustainability-Transfer (BNT).

Find out more on our web page about numerous research projects and fields and for questions and suggestions get into contact with the staff of the Faculty of Landscape Management and Nature Conservation. We welcome your interest!

best regards from the Faculty

Prof. Dr. JΓΌrgen Peters

Dean Faculty of Landscape Management and Nature Conservation