Hochschule für nachhaltige Entwicklung Eberswalde

Consumer protection: Free counseling for HNEE students


Vertragsunterzeichnung AStA VZB

Photo by AStA | from left to right: Maxie Martin (AStA), Selena Dami
(AStA), Lena Höhne (AStA), Harald Gräfe (Regional Manager
North) at the
signing of the contract  in the Eberswalde consulting office

Since February 2022, HNEE students can get free advice from the Vebraucherzentrale Brandenburg (VZB; Brandenburg Consumer Advice Center). The advice covers topics such as contracts, bills, complaints, insurance and financial services. For example, the VZB also offers independent advice for students on financing their studies apart from BAföG. Here, students receive support in evaluating different loan offers.

But even if the new cell phone is already broken, dubious bills flutter into the shared apartment or the insurance jungle seems impenetrable, the VZB helps.

The service, which is free of charge for HNEE students, is made possible by a cooperation between the AStA of the HNEE and the VZB. The AStA provides an annual budget of 300 €. The VZB does not charge more than 15 € per counseling service for students - thus at least 20 students can get counseling every year without incurring any costs. For free counseling for HNEE students, all you need to do is make an appointment via the VZB website or by phone and provide your matriculation number.

VZB-Angebote für Studis

Photo by Henrike Ott

So what is there to wait for?

More information about the counseling services is available on the website of the Verbraucherzentrale Brandenburg (English). Services are also available in Polish and in Ukrainian (especially concerning refugees from Ukraine).

For questions about the cooperation, the AStA is available.
asta[ät]hnee.de or 03334-657-105

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