Joint Digital Future Project
A Ukrainian-German Partnership for digital supported Learning and Teaching
From September 2020, the two partner universities - Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development (EUSD) and Ukrainian National Forestry University (UNFU) in Lviv - are jointly implementing a project funded by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD).
The main goal of the project is the integration and professionalisation of digital methods into learning and teaching of both universities.
Key element to reach this goal is the conceptualisation and implementation of a cross-university blended learning module and staff training „Project Development and Proposal Writing“ that is addressed to graduate students and university staff.
Duration: 01.09.2020 - 31.08.2022
Main Aim
Integration of high quality methods and standards in
digital supported learning and teaching at both universitiesJoint training of graduate students and university staff of both
universities in project planning and acquiring third party fundingStrengthening and extending the international
cooperation and network between both universities

(Base Map: Esri Topo World)
Survey with university members about needs and interests (Survey Results)
E-learning training workshop for lecturers (application of the learned through specification of the project development module)
Development, pilot application, evaluation and adjustment of the course “Project Development and Proposal Development”
Promotion video (opens in a new window in YouTube)
Training Workshop
“E-Learning tools and their application”
Target audience
- Lecturers of both universities
Number of possible participants
- approx.15 per university
Requirements for participation
- Time availability and motivation
- The course will most likely be held in German with a consecutive translation to Ukrainian
- 4 days full-time workshop in Eberswalde
- One-time
- mid-September 2021 (completed)
- in Moodle for participants
- Impressions & take aways pdf
Working modes: presentations, group discussions, practical exercises (© HNEE, A. Dichte)
Group activities and recreation: barbecue with HNEE university leadership, Werbellinsee, excursion in Berlin (© HNEE, A. Dichte)
Module & Staff Training
“Project Development and Proposal Writing”
Target audiences:
- Graduate students (master degree and PhD students)
→ module (6 credits) - University staff (scientific and administration staff)
→ staff training
Pilot application
- Number of possible participants
- approx. 6 graduate students of each university
- approx.6 university staff of each university
Requirements for participation
- Sufficient English skills
- E-Learning with combination of asynchron and synchron elements
- Face-to-face events in Eberswalde
- Joint proposal writing in mixed international groups
- Long-term integration into curricula and staff development scheme planned
- Kick-off: 19.10.2021
- Online meetings: Wednesday afternoons
- In-person block week: 29.11.-03.12.2021
- Final presentations and submissions: February 2022
Information material
Our partner university - Ukrainian National Forestry University
The Ukrainian National Forestry University (UNFU) is the only university in Ukraine with a forestry profile. It covers the field of ecological economics and matches the areas of research and scholarly activities carried out at the EUSD. The EUSD and UNFU have worked together in an informal capacity building between several faculties since 2011 (e.g. here). First contact between university staff was established during the implementation of different activities of the Centre for Econics and Ecosystem Management at EUSD in Ukraine.
Since 2016, the partnership was further developed by a joint implementation of several projects within the DAAD-funded programme “East-West Dialogue”. Find more on that here. There is currently another joint project running between both universities, which deals with forest management transformation.
►PDF Document with information about Internship opportunities: Internship-opportunities-in-UNFU_2020.pdf
Moreover, the establishment of an Erasmus+ partnership on university level provides the basis for regular exchange of staff and students between several faculties since 2016. A sign of the cooperative partnership was also set in 2019 when not only the President of the HNEE, Prof. Dr Wilhelm-Günther Vahrson, but also the initiator of the cooperation, Prof. Dr Pierre Ibisch, were awarded an honorary doctorate by the UNFU. More information in German here.

Left - Main building of the Ukrainian National Forestry University (© UNFU)
Middle - Delegation of the Ukrainian National Forestry University visiting the Eberswalde Sustainability Society on 5.12.2017 on the topic: Ukraine - Environmental policies in times of crisis (© P. Ibisch)
Right - Students of the Eberswalde University of Applied Sciences and the Ukrainian National Forestry University during the joint excursion to Western Ukraine in 2017 (© A. Dichte)
Team & Contact
Project Lead
Prof. Dr. Pierre Ibisch
Funded by