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Hochschule für nachhaltige Entwicklung Eberswalde

Building Key Competences and Folkhighschool Pedagogy in XXI Europe

Projektpartner beim Treffen in Eberswalde 

Building Key Competences and Folkhighschool Pedagogy in XXI Europe

When in XIX century N.F.S. Grundtvig was developing the concept and philosophy of Folkhighschools in Denmark he was addressing similar challenges as we face in modern Europe, though in a historically and economically different context. The project wants to prove that this educational concept is still alive, totally align with modern needs and challenges and could be creatively adapted to different European backgrounds.

The concrete topic for exploring and adapting folkhighschool methodology will be an organic production course for 20 young adults which will be realised in Poland. The Erasmus+ partnership will work together to develop curriculum and handbook for this folkhighschool course, which later will be implemented and evaluated.

Deja-Ivan Website

Two other outputs  developed during the project will be: Guidelines on building key competences through Grundtvigian pedagogy: tools, examples, good practices and a publication which will summarise the project: Folkhighschools in XXI Europe: past, present time and future of folkhighschools in modern Europe — articles, reflections, recommendations, conclusions. These two outputs will gather the most important experiences, good practical examples, conclusions and recommendations for the future.



Contact persons at HNE:

Martin Nobelmann,  +49 3334 657 358,

Dr. Henrike Rieken  +49 3334 657 315,

Prof. Dr. Anna Maria Häring  +49 3334 657 348,



ZIARNO - Stowarzynie Ekologiczno-Kulturalne (Poland)

Agricultural University Plovdiv (Bulgaria)

Brenderup Hojskole (Denmark)

Kaszubski Uniwersytet Ludowy (Poland)

Verein für biologisch-dynamische Landwirtschaft (Switzerland)

Powiat (County) Płock (Poland)



With the Recommendation of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 December 2006 on key competences for lifelong learning they put a focus on creating a well-functioning ‘knowledge triangle’ of education, research and innovation and on helping all citizens to be better skilled for competitiveness, growth and jobs as well as for equity and social inclusion. The European Framework for Key Competences for Lifelong Learning, identifies and defines 8 key competences necessary for personal fulfilment, active citizenship, social inclusion and employability in a knowledge society. Initial education and training should support the development of these key competences to a level that equips all young people — including the disadvantaged — for further learning and working life. Adult education and training should give real opportunities to all adults to develop and update their key competences throughout life.


Term of the project:

September 2014 — August 2017


This project is funded by the European Union in context with the programme Erasmus+ and its Key Action 2 “Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practice”.

Erasmus+ started in January 2014 and lasts until 2020.

EU flag-Erasmus+_vect_POS