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Hochschule für nachhaltige Entwicklung Eberswalde

Development and application of a quality assurance method (QAM) in the thermal modification of wood

© HNEE QSM_Colour-measurement

Spectrophotometric measurement is a method to determine the treatment intensity of thermowood after production (Welzbacher 2012). The CIEL*a*b* color values show significant correlations with the treatment intensity (Sundqvist 2004, Brischke et al. 2009) and are thus a suitable method for quality determination.

The investigations at the Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development, HNEE were aimed at determining the quality differences occurring in the production of thermowood within a production batch by means of a rapid test based on CIEL*a*b* color values immediately after the production process.

Project goals and outcomes:

  • Development of a new process for the thermal modification of wood
  • Design and construction of a pilot plant at HNEE
  • Process control optimization
  • Adjustment of the parameters to the respective wood species and the desired end product properties
  • Investigation into the processing and use of thermowood products
  • Analysis of the marketing of thermowood products
  • Development of a standardized procedure for timely quality control of thermowood
  • Using the color value as an indicator for the TMT properties

You can find more projects about thermowood here.

Research project partners

HI Templin

Holzindustrie Templin GmbH

Project manager: Dipl.-Betriebswirt Antje Maschmann-Fehrensen


    Leibniz University Hannover (LUH) Institute of Professional Sciences in Construction (ibw)

    Project manager: Prof. Dr. A.O. Rapp


    AIF Projekt GmbH

    Funding body: BMBF within the framework of FHprofUnt

    Funding code: 1728X09

    Project duration: 01.07.2009 - 30.06.2012

    BMBF_gefördert vom_englisch117991607842ptj

    Head of project an contact person

    Prof. Dr.-Ing. Alexander Pfriem (

    Lothar Clauder M.Sc. (