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Hochschule für nachhaltige Entwicklung Eberswalde

Junior scientists Renewable Energy in the Counties Barnim and Uckermark

- RES for heat supply in public buildings -

Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Gundolf Schneider

One of the stated aims in the counties Barnim and Uckermark is to ensure the security of energy source supply at regional level. Today´s state of energy supply from renewable sources is above national standards. This is due to a high propotion of wind power and biogas plants, a large scale wood-fueled power plant, several manufactoring sites of wind power plants, solarthermic and photovoltaic moduls, thermal and photovoltaic solar systems.


Energy-saving measures concerning heat systems in public buildings

Energy efficiency

Key aspects:

regional sustainability refering to recources, value chains, employment



Case-specific contribution with scientific approach in the field of combined heating and hot water supply systems based on combined wood-biomass and solar thermal energy:

  • market and potential analyses
  • feasibility studies
  • profitability and case studies
  • business models
  • networking
  • regional transfer of knowledge between science, economy and population
  • public relation

period: 2008 – 2010

Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Gundolf Schneider


+49(0)3334 657342 fax: +49(0)3334 657241

Project Manager Prof. Dr. H. P. Piorr

+49(0)3334 657307


EUROPEAN UNION European Social Fonds


Investition in Ihre Zukunft


Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Culture

Supported by Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Culture from funds of European Social Fonds and Federal State Brandenburg.