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Hochschule für nachhaltige Entwicklung Eberswalde


"Coming together is a beginning,
keeping together is progress,
working together is success."

Henry Ford


The Faculty for Landscape Management and Nature Conservation works on many research projects with universities, non-university research institutes and industry partners, both regionally, nationally and internationally. A key role is played here by applied research, the transfer of our research findings to practical, real-world situations and thus partnerships with companies - we work with practitioners to achieve practical results. You can find details of existing partnerships on the university's main web page.

One special partnership unique in Germany is the organic farming programmes' cooperation in the partner network known as InnoForum Ökolandbau Brandenburg, an association of organic farmers in the state of Brandenburg for the entire organic supply chain - it is one of the unique selling points of our degree programmes.

If you are interested in collaborating, please get in touch directly with our staff or contact the dean or head of the respective programme.
