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Hochschule für nachhaltige Entwicklung Eberswalde
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The Build4People project researches and promotes sustainable buildings and sustainable urban development in Cambodia from a people-centred perspective whose connecting scientific-conceptional, analytical and superior normative bracket is always the urban quality of life.


The Build4People project is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). (Förderprogramm NUR - Nachhaltige Entwicklung urbaner Regionen)
Projekt Nummer: 111263.

Six scientific Work Packages (WP) do research within the Build4People project:

  • WP#1: Behaviour Change (University of Magdeburg)
  • WP#2: Sustainable Building (University of Stuttgart)
  • WP#3: Sustainable Neighbourhoods (Eble Messerschmidt Partner)
  • WP#4: Urban Green (HNE Eberswalde)
  • WP#5: Urban Climate (Institute for Climate and Energy Strategies)
  • WP#6: Sustainable Urban Transformation (University of Hamburg)

Additionally, WP#7 is responsible for coordination, communication and dissemination (University of Hamburg).

Timeline & Activities

  • Definition Phase (2019-2021)
  • Research & Development Phase (2021-2025)
  • Implementation Phase (2025-2027)

WP#4: Urban Green, implemented by HNEE and the Royal University of Agriculture (RUA).

We link ecological aspects of urban green directly with social perspectives to increase sensitivity of Phnom Penh’s population for urban green space and its positive effects. Thereby, we relate the concept of “urban green space” (UGS) and non-permanently sealed surfaces in Phnom Penh and its peri-urban areas contributing to an innovative city planning. An increased sensitivity of the population to urban green space and its positive effects will contribute to a healthier city climate, reduce mechanical cooling and enhance the use of public spaces while beautifying the city.

Theoretical Framework

  1. the identification and mapping of physical features of UGS in Phnom Penh and its surrounding areas (Taubenböck 2010)
  2. the investigation of different urban properties performing different index models (Gupta et al. 2012; Jhaldiyal et al. 2016)
  3. comparing the past and present with human impact change applying a time series of remote sensing data (Kuenzer et al. 2015)


The objective of this research is to develop, test and apply four different products about urban green space in Phnom Penh.

  • Typology of urban green space
  • Map of urban green space in 2019
  • Index maps of city properties
  • Time Series Change since 2000

Research Questions

  • What types of UGS exists in Phnom Penh and how they can be categorized?
  • What is the spatial distribution, density and topology of UGS in Phnom Penh in 2019?
  • How did UGS develop over time in Phnom Penh at city and district level (Sangkat)?
  • How many different types of UGS can we identify using remote sensing classification algorithms?
  • Which classification system performs best in extracting information on UGS in urban environments?
  • What are the advantages / disadvantage using images taken by Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) to support or verify above mentioned land cover classifications in urban areas?
  • What can we learn about the urban environment when calculating different indices?

Official Build4People Website under the folliwing Link!