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Hochschule für nachhaltige Entwicklung Eberswalde

Prof. Dr. Luthardt - curriculum vitae, projects and publications



Vera Luthardt
University Professor
Professor Dr. rer. nat.
German; English; (Russian)





PhD in natural science
Dissertation subject: Ecological investigations of drained farming peatlands with different soil degradation levels

MSc. in Biology at the Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-University of Greifswald
First degree in Biology at the Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-University of Greifswald

Professional life



since then

since 1993





Research professor

Research professor

several functions in the self — administration of the department

Ordinary professor for Vegetation Science and Applied Plant Ecology. Lessons/ Courses/Field training/Excursions: botany; plant determination; vegetation science; applied plant ecology; ecology and management of mires, peatlands and wet areas; monitoring; nature conservation.

University of Applied Sciences Eberswalde, co-ordinator for the development, creation and design of the new department and career “Landscape use and Nature conservation”

Consulting biologist in the planning bureau DPU

Scientist at the Research Centre for Soil Fertility, Institute for Soil Science in Eberswalde.

Assistant at the University of Greifswald

Study of biology at the University of Greifswald

High School Diploma

Scientific work; project leader (selection)

Resoration of mires and management of peatlands

  • Implementation of an individually optimised grassland utilisation on organic sites (2018-2021)
  • Evaluation of the agri-environmental measure `peat protecting water management` (2018-2020)
  • Climate-friendly and biodiversity promoting cultivation of peatlands (2018-2019)
  • Sucess control for rewetting measures in the forests in the last 20 years (2017-2021)
  • Initiating a global database for peatland deposits  (2016-   )
  • In cooperation with the Humboldt- University of Berlin, Prof.Dr.J.Zeitz:
    DSS-TORBOS: A decision support system for peat conserving agricultural use of peatlands (2012-15)
  • Catalog of portraits of the most common peatland substrates in Germany (2009-2011)
  • Elaboration of indicator systems
  • In cooperation with the Humboldt- University of Berlin, Prof.Dr.J.Zeitz:
    DSS-WAMOS: A decision support system for the management of mires in forests (2006-2009)
  • Concept for a touristic event adventure trail within the context of modern environmental education for the Stechlin Nature Park (Federal state Brandenburg) (2006)
  • Development of a mapping method for the analysis of the actual state of mires surrounded by forests (2002-2005)
  • Selection of representative areas of large peatlands of Brandenburg for monitoring of the actual state and the effect of rewetting management measures (2001)
  • Planning of the conservation management of a special subneutral mesotrophic mire in the MĂ€rkische Schweiz Nature Park (Federal state Brandenburg) (2004)
  • Rewetting of drained and degraded peatlands under the conditions of agricultural use — reaction of soil and vegetation (1991-1997)


  • Monitoring programme for the ecosystems of the three UNESCO biosphere reserves of Brandenburg as an international task and a functional evaluation criterion for the MAB- committee of UNESCO - Concept. Installation and following investigations (1997-continously)
  • Concept for the Success control of the activities of the Foundation Naturschutzfonds Brandenburg for the fields of natural balance and biodiversity (2014-2015)
  • Monitoring and success control programme for a nature protection area with heather and dry sandy grassland, formerly a military area with wild animals in preserves (2008-2013)
  • Concept for nature conservation monitoring for the National Park Unteres Odertal (2009-2010)
  • Development of practical modules for the analysis of data collection of long term observation programmes (2004-2006)
  • Concept and installation of a programme for controlling the success of rewetting measures for mires in the Stechlin Nature Park (Federal State Brandenburg) within the context of an EU-Life project (2002, 2004)
  • Concept for a landscape monitoring for the Schorfheide-Chorin Biosphere Reserve (1998 - 1999)

 Publications (selection since 2010)

Luthardt, V. & Dresen, E. (2017): Potential of biosphere reserve concept for mire wise use and conservation, 108-113. In: Mire ecosystems of northeast Europe and ecological restoration in permafrost zone. Proceedings of the Internat.Field Symposium, Syktyvkar 2017.

Luthardt, V., Schulz, C., Hammerich, J., Dammann, Ch. (2017): Catalog of the typical and specific plant species of mires including mosses of Brandenburg and Berlin and its application for the evaluation of the biodiversity of mires. In: abstracts of presentations: ”Flora & Funga Pomeranica — the Third Symposium on Flora, Fungi, Vegetation and Landscape of Pomerania” - 13. bis 15. September 2017 in Szczecin, S.21-22.

Luthardt, V., LĂŒdicke, Th., Probst, R. (2017): Design, implementation and performance of an ecosystem monitoring program in Biosphere Reserves - The Long-term Observation of Ecosystems in the Biosphere Reserves in the federal state Brandenburg (ÖUB). 6th International Symposium for Research in Protected Areas 2017, Salzburg, 21.-23.09.17.

Luthardt, V., Joosten, H., Schulz, C., Prinz, J. (2016): Initiating a global database for peatland deposits.

Proceedings of th 15th international peat congress “Peatlands in Harmony”, 15.-19.08.2016, Kuching, Malaysia, 480-484.

Luthardt, V. & S. Wichmann (2016): Ecosystem services in peatlands. S.15-20 In: Wichtmann, W., Schröder C. & H. Joosten (Hg.): Paludiculture — cultivation of wet peatlands - climate protection - biodiversity — regional economic benefits. Schweizerbart Science Publishers, Stuttgart, 270 S.

Schulze, P., Schröder, C., Luthardt, V. & J. Zeitz (2016): The decision support tool TORBOS. S.185-188 In: Paludiculture — cultivation of wet peatlands - climate protection - biodiversity — regional economic benefits. Schweizerbart Science Publishers, Stuttgart, 270 S.

Luthardt, V., Schulze, P., Schröder, C. & J.Zeitz (2016): Decision support systems for peatland protection. 11. Annual meeting of Society of wetland Scientists (SWS), Potsdam, Tagungsband, IGB Berlin, 99.

Danzeisen, L., LĂŒtkepohl, M., Brockmann,J & V. Luthardt (2016): The changing occupational profile of rangers in Germany. Der Wandel des Berufsfeldes der Schutzgebietsbetreuer und - betreuerinnen. NuL, 91, H.11, 493-500.

Abel, S., Caspers, G., Gall, B., Gaudig, G. Heinze, S. Höper, H., Joosten, H., Landgraf, L., Lange, G., Luthardt, V., Meissner, J.K., Osterburg, B., Padeken, K., Philipp, H.R., Schröder, Chr., Strassburger, Th., Tiemeyer, B., Trepel, M., Leerdam, A.V., Wichmann, S., Wichtmann, W., Wollesen, S., Zeitz, J. (2016): Diskussionspapier zur guten fachlichen Praxis der landwirtschaftlichen Moorbodennutzung. Telma 46, 155-174.

LĂŒdicke, T.; Brauner, O.; Probst, R. & V. Luthardt (2016): Dynamische Graslandbiozönosen an der Elbe — Ergebnisse der Ökosystemaren Umweltbeobachtung in den BiosphĂ€renreservaten Brandenburgs (ÖUB). In: Daten vom Fluss: wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen und aktuelle Anwendungsaspekte in Flussauen. BeitrĂ€ge aus dem Nationalpark Unteres Odertal, Criewen 2016.

LUGV (Hrsg.) 2015: LebensrĂ€ume im Wandel - Ökosystemare Umweltbeobachtung in den BiosphĂ€renreservaten Brandenburgs . BroschĂŒre, Potsdam, 120 S.

Schröder, C., Schulze, P., Luthardt, V. & J. Zeitz (2015): Steckbriefe fĂŒr Niedermoorbewirtschaftung bei unterschiedlichen WasserverhĂ€ltnissen. Humboldt-UniversitĂ€t zu Berlin und Hochschule fĂŒr Nachhaltige Entwicklung Eberswalde (Hrsg.). pdf-Veröffentl., 38 S.

Berghöfer, A., Couwenberg, J., Drösler, M., Jensen, R., Kantelhardt, J., Luthardt, V., Permien,Th., Röder, N., Schaller, L., Schweppe-Kraft, B., Tanneberger, F., Trepel, M. & S. Wichmann (2015): WiedervernĂ€ssung von kohlenstoffreichen Böden In: Hartje, V., WĂŒstenmann, H., Bonn, A. & B. HansjĂŒrgens (Hrsg.): Naturkapital und Klimapolitik: Synergien und Konflikte (TEEB DE — Klima).Berlin, Leipzig, 216 S.

Klughardt, D., V. Luthardt & F. Zimmermann (2015): Ein Maßnahmenprogramm fĂŒr die Biologische Vielfalt in Brandenburg. Naschu u. Landsch.pfl. in BB, 24, (1),6-16.

Wigger, S., Lehde, J., Desaga, S., GĂ€rtner, M., Kirsche, M. Spiggle, O. & V. Luthardt (2015):

Methodik zur Vorauswahl potenzieller Verbreitungsgebiete als Grundlage fĂŒr die Erfassung von Bibervorkommen am Beispiel des Verbandsgebietes des Wasser-Boden-Verbandes Welse. Naschu u. Landsch.pfl. in BB, 24, (2),18-29.

Luthardt, V. & J. Zeitz (Hrsg.) (2014): Moore in Brandenburg und Berlin. Natur und Text Rangsdorf, 384 S.

Ibisch, P., Luthardt, V., Kreft. St., Nusko, N., Strixner, L. & Ph. Arndt (2014): Anpassung des Naturschutzes an den Klimawandel in Brandenburg. Empfehlungen fĂŒr EntscheidungstrĂ€ger. HNE Eberswalde, 30 S. (Brosch., zahlr. Farbabb., ISBN 978-3-00-045824-8 Auch online verfĂŒgbar: /de/Fachbereiche/Landschaftsnutzung-und-Naturschutz/Forschung/Abgeschlossene-Projekte/INKA-BB/Teilprojekte-an-der-HNE-Eberswalde/Anpassung-Naturschutz-TP-16/Produkte/Band-3-Empfehlungen-fuer-Entscheider/Anpassung-des-Naturschutzes-an-den-Klimawandel-in-Brandenburg-Empfehlungen-fuer-Entscheidungstraeger-K4887.htm

Nusko, N., Arndt, Ph. & V. Luthardt (2014): Climate change in Northeast Germany — a risk assessment for ecosystems in the scope of nature conservation planning. in: Korn, H., Stadler, J., Bonn, A., BockmĂŒhl, K. & N. Macgregor: Proceedings of the European conference „Climate Change and Nature conservation in Europe — an ecological, policy and economic perspective”, Bonn 25.-27.06.2013, BFN-Skripten 367, 109-113, Bonn

Schwarzer, Chr,, Heinken, Th., Luthardt, V. & J. Joshi (2013): Latitudinal shifts in species interactions interfere with resistance of southern but not of northern bog plant-communities to experimental climate change. Journal of ecology,101 (6),1484-1497.

Luthardt, V. & P. Ibisch (2013): Naturschutz-Handeln im Klimawandel: RisikoabschĂ€tzungen und adaptives Management in Brandenburg. HNE Eberswalde, 136 S. (Brosch., zahlr. Farbabb.,ISBN 978-3-00-043708-3 Auch online verfĂŒgbar: /klimawandel-naturschutzinstrumente-buch).

Schröder, C., Luthardt, V. & F. Jeltsch (2012): Development of a holistic evaluation method for ecosystem services of peatlands. Contribution to the 14th International Peat Congress: Peatlands in Balance, June 3-8 2012, Stockholm, Sweden. Online available Theme I.5 Special session — Peatland ecosystem services No. 196.

Ibisch, P.L., S. Kreft & V. Luthardt (eds.) (2012): Regionale Anpassung des Naturschutzes an den Klimawandel: Strategien und methodische AnsĂ€tze zur Erhaltung der BiodiversitĂ€t und Ökosystemdienstleistungen in Brandenburg. Hochschule fĂŒr nachhaltige Entwicklung Eberswalde, Eberswalde. 253 S. (Brosch., zahlr. Farbabb., ISBN 978-3-00-038210-9. Auch online verfĂŒgbar:


Meier- Uhlherr, R., Schulz, C. & V. Luthardt (2011): Steckbriefe Moorsubstrate. Teil I: EinfĂŒhrungsteil 50 S., Teil II GelĂ€ndeunterlagen 102 S., Hrsg. HNE Eberswalde, Sauer Druck und Werbung Berlin,

Brandenburger Naturschutzbeirat (korr. Luthardt, V. & H. KĂ€chele) (2011): Koppelung von Biomasseproduktion und BiodiversitĂ€tsschutz — Handlungsempfehlungen. Naturschutz und Landschaftspflege in Brandenburg Bd.20 (H.4), Potsdam, 116-121.

Luthardt, V. (2010): Monitoring of ecosystems: two different approaches - long-term observation versus success control. In: MĂŒller, F., Baessler, C., Schubert, H. & St. Klotz: Long-term ecological research — between theory and application. Springer Verlag, 317-325.

Luthardt, V., Meier- Uhlherr, R. & C. Schulz (2010): Moore unter Wassermangel — Entwicklungstrends ausgewĂ€hlter naturnaher Moore in den WĂ€ldern des BiosphĂ€renreservats Schorfheide-Chorin unter besonderer BerĂŒcksichtigung ihrer naturrĂ€umlichen Einbettung und des Witterungsverlaufs der letzten 16 Jahre. Naturschutz und Landschaftspflege in Brandenburg, H3/4, 146-157.

Hasch, B., Lotsch, H.,Meier-Uhlherr, R., Schulz, C., Luthardt, V. & J. Zeitz (2010): DSS-WAMOS — Ein EntscheidungsunterstĂŒtzungssystem fĂŒr das Management von Waldmooren. BroschĂŒre Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt. Sauer Druck und Werbung, Berlin, 20 S.

Schröder, C., Luthardt, V. & F. Jeltsch (2010): Development of a holistic evaluation method for ecosystem services on a regional scale. in Wolters, V., Groh, J., Peter, F., Waldhardt, R. (Hrsg.) Verhandlungen der Gesellschaft fĂŒr Ökologie, Bd. 40, 40th Anniversary Conference “The Future of Biodiversity: Genes, Species, Ecosystems”, 30.08.-03.09. 2010 in Gießen, S. 373.