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Hochschule für nachhaltige Entwicklung Eberswalde


The Open Researcher and Contributor ID (ORCID) is a unique identifier for scientists. 

It enables the person to be linked to publications, research data and other products of the research process and is an international de facto standard.

The university library of the HNE Eberswalde recommends all scientists to register with ORCID and to use the individual ORCID in publications and in e.g. to be used when
submitting third-party funding applications.

ORCID - that's how it's done

  • Registration of an ORCID in 30 seconds,
  • Filling out the ORCID profile and linking it to another ID (e.g. Scopus Author ID, Researcher ID), setting the privacy settings,
  • Creation of publication lists through import (e.g. from OPUS4, Google Scholar, Web of Science, CrossRef) or manual entry,
  • Use of the registered ORCID on Your own website, when submitting third-party funding applications and manuscripts, on Your individual business card.

Advantages of an ORCID for science

  • Unique identification of the person (even if names are the same, name changes or different spellings are used)
  • Clear assignment of biography and individual research achievements (e.g. publications, research data, software)
  • Possibility of automated maintenance of publication lists
  • Protection of privacy, data protection
  • Simplified communication with sponsors, specialist societies, publishers and repositories (e.g. when submitting third-party funding applications and manuscripts or registering for conferences)

Source: TU Berlin - available under: