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Hochschule für nachhaltige Entwicklung Eberswalde

Library Committee

The Library Committee is responsible for drawing up recommendations on the following topics:

  • planning and decisions on long-term development concepts for the University Library
  • updating distribution bases for supplying the faculties, degree programmes and institutes at HNE
  • building the collection of scientific literature
  • development plans for the supply of information via electronic media
  • use regulations



Head of commission

Prof. Dr. Alfred Schultz

Faculty for Forest and Environment





Prof. Dr. Alfred Schultz  (Fac 1)

Representation of faculties

Prof. Dr. Alfred Schultz  (Fac 1)

Prof. Dr. Ulrich Schulz (Fac 2)

currently unmanned (Fac 3)

Prof. Dr. Claudia Brözel (Fac 4)

Representation library

Claudia Adler (Head of university library)

Academic staff representation

currently unmanned

Student representation

Jennifer Zabel

Marcel Stehle