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Hochschule für nachhaltige Entwicklung Eberswalde

FAQ - Frequently Asked Quastions

Which browsers are supported?
To our knowledge, all javascript-capable browsers are supported. In some cases, some browsers or mobile devices may display the questionnaire differently.

How long does it take to complete the entire questionnaire?
The time it takes to complete the questionnaire naturally varies depending on your life or professional situation. In general, however, it takes about 10 minutes to complete the questionnaire. Take your time to complete the questionnaire so that you can do so conscientiously.

What happens to my answers?
The data generated based on your answers will be used exclusively for scientific purposes of quality assurance of teaching and studies within the HNE Eberswalde and will not be passed on to third parties. During the survey, no information is requested that allows conclusions to be drawn about your person. The IP address will not be stored.

When are the answers saved?
Your answers will only be saved when you leave a page by clicking on the buttons "Continue", "Back" or "End session".

Can I correct my answers?
You can correct your answers at any time, even on previous pages (please do not use the "back" button of the browser, but the "back" button at the end of each page). Only the last entry for each question is stored in the database.
For all questions where you have to tick a box or circle to answer, you can reset the tick by simply clicking on another box or circle.

Can I continue the survey at a later time?
You can interrupt the survey at any time. If you continue the survey at a later point in time, the information you have already provided will be included in the form.

Can my personal details be deduced from combinations of characteristics, e.g. subject area and institution?
When designing the survey, it was already taken into account that individuals cannot be identified and that no conclusions can be drawn about a specific person later on. In the case of open-ended questions, such as the job title, it is specifically pointed out in such questions that no information should be given that would allow conclusions to be drawn about the person (e.g. head of the department of the Barnim Lower Nature Conservation Authority).

How does the university get hold of my address data?
The e-mail addresses of the graduates were collected and stored electronically at the university. This data is compiled solely for the purpose of conducting the alumni survey.

Why may the university use my e-mail address for the alumni survey?
Personal data may only be transmitted and used within the university if it serves the fulfilment of academic tasks and/or the fulfilment of the university's tasks. Both conditions are fulfilled in the context of this survey. The results of the survey are to be used for the purpose of research and quality assurance of teaching and studies within the university. The stored email addresses will not be used for any other purpose than to invite and remind you to participate in the alumni survey. In addition, you agreed to be contacted and invited to participate in the survey when you were admitted to the alumni network or when you exmatriculated.

Personal data is processed exclusively by employees of the HNE Eberswalde. All employees who have access to the personal data are subject to the applicable data protection law. In this context, the disclosure of data to third parties is strictly prohibited and still applies even if the employees no longer work at the university.