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Hochschule für nachhaltige Entwicklung Eberswalde

​​​​​​​Alumni Events


Graduation Ceremony

Once a year we celebrate our graduates at the Graduation Ceremony. All of the previous year's graduates and students submitting their final theses are cordially invited. Our graduates are honoured and bid farewell with a colourful cultural programme, dance and buffet.

more (information coming soon)


Alumni Day

Meet your former classmates, professors, and lecturers, learn about current research projects at HNEE, network, and much more! 

more (information coming soon)

June 2024

University Information Day

Every year in June, our University Information Day and​​​​​​​ FinE City Festival come together in Eberswalde for an all-day event. Think back to the past, visit old favourite places, talk to fellow students, professors and staff, reminisce, refresh contacts, exchange experiences and much more!


Want to organise your own alumni event? We are happy to support you!

Just drop us a line at