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Hochschule für nachhaltige Entwicklung Eberswalde

Internationalisation strategy of the HNEE

With the support of the DAAD-funded HAW project "HNEE Internationalisation 2.0", the internationalisation strategy of the University for Sustainable Development has been developed in a two-year participatory process and successfully approved by the HNEE Senate on 22nd November 2023. The process of elaborating his strategy has been characterised by an inclusive approach that incorporated the diversity of perspectives, ideas and experiences of all members of HNEE. Through workshops, discussions and continuous feedback, a dynamic vision for the future internationalisation of our university has been developed. We would like to thank the entire university community for their dedicated support and cooperation in the realisation of this project.

The adopted strategy will guide the internationalisation of the university in the coming years. It forms the foundation for broader academic networking, international partnerships and an even stronger global positioning of HNEE.

The approved strategy is currently being translated, but will be published in English very soon.