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Hochschule für nachhaltige Entwicklung Eberswalde

Application as a guest auditor (Nebenhörerschaft)

Students who are already enrolled as main auditors at a university can be admitted as guest auditors at the Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development, depending on their capacity. A condition is that a simultaneous study at both universities is possible (parallel studies) and that the chosen module is a useful supplement to the study.

Guest auditors are not members of Eberswalde University of Applied Sciences. With the approval of the respective examiners and in accordance with the respective examination regulations, examinations can be taken. The scope of the examinations must not lead to a degree in a degree programme. There is no legal entitlement to take these examinations. Further details are regulated in the matriculation regulations of the Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development dated 14 May 2008, § 10.

Form-based applications (Antrag Nebenhörerschaft) must be sent to the Student Support Service Department by post during the application period.