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Hochschule für nachhaltige Entwicklung Eberswalde

FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

What are the entrance requirements to the FIT programme?

The offered Master programme is open to applicants worldwide who satisfy the admission criteria. The programme is a consecutive programme to the Bachelor/Diploma study programmes "International Forest Ecosystem Management" and “Forestry” of Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development (Applied University) (EUSD) and a consecutive programme to the study programme "Forest Engineer" of Warsaw University of Life Sciences (WULS).

How do I apply for a place on the FIT programme?

German students may send their applications to the Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development (Applied University). Polish students may send their applications to the Warsaw University of Life Sciences.

How is the enrolment process organized?

Students have to be enrolled to both the partner universities for the whole study time. Although the first semester takes place in Eberswalde, students have to be enrolled in Warsaw beginning from the first semester as well. Pay attention that enrollment in Warsaw is web based! Keep the deadlines to avoid problems. Together with the admission a related information is sent. In doubt contact the faculty staff in Eberswalde or Warsaw.

What language qualification is needed?

The total study programme is running in English.

Applicants whose native language is not English should already hold a degree or equivalent qualification from an institution where English is the medium of instruction, or have obtained an acceptable English language qualification comparable to the B2 level.

Applicants without an English language qualification may receive a limited admittance for the first semester. They have the chance to make up for the language test before being enroled to the second semester.

Are there study fees?

The FIT programme does not charge tuition fees. The universities and the service organizations charge only administration fees.

If students are in Eberswalde they have to pay € 51 per semester for enrolment and renewal of enrolment, € 50 per semester for the student service organization ("Studentenwerk"), € 8 for the Students' Union Executive Committee and € 86 for a semester ticket which is valid for Berlin and the state of Brandenburg (advantageous travel from and to Berlin and across Brandenburg!).

Where can I live in Eberswalde and in Warsaw?

Both universities offer dormitories.

What are the living costs?

Living costs at Eberswalde (student accomodation/student hostel, traffic, food, culture) are estimated to be about € 600 / month.

Living costs at Warsaw (student accomodation/student hostel, traffic, food, culture) are estimated to be about € 500 / month.

Are there any scholarships available?

The University of Applied Sciences Eberswalde cannot offer any financial support to students.
Should you require financial assistance to take place in the FIT study programme, we would like to advise you to scholarship organizations as soon as possible. Be aware of early deadlines, which are often one year prior to the start of the programme in September.
You should especially contact sponsoring organizations in your native country.

Does the programme take place only in computer labs?

Especially in the first semester the majority of teaching takes place in computer labs. But nevertheless, in certain modules students will also accomplish field work such as spatial data collection and mapping activities or working with GPS and other measurement devices. Students should be prepared for this with appropriate shoes and clothes.

What are my occupational expectations after graduation from the study programme?

Information technologies are key technologies of the 21th century. There are very good chances for work in practice or research in the forest and environmental area. See a selection of careers at this homepage of the FIT programme.

The FIT graduates may continue their academic career also via a doctorate degree programe. A few candidates have meanwhile completed their Ph. D. studies, a few are involved in various doctorate programmes. 

What can I do if I do not find an answer to my question here?

Please contact  Mrs Schilling ( or one of the co-heads of the FIT programme.