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Hochschule für nachhaltige Entwicklung Eberswalde

Alumni World Map: Where do HNEE alumni work today?

In our interactive alumni world map you can see where alumni of HNE Eberswalde live after graduation.

Would you like to tell us and others what you are doing after your studies at HNE Eberswalde? This is how it works:

  • Enter your data in the form sheet. Except for the program of study and year of completion, all details are optional. Please keep in mind that your data can be seen by all visitors and carefully select the information that should be visible to others.
  • Select your location in the form sheet on the map.
  • Submit the form.

To view information on the Alumni Map, click the appropriate green dot and then the arrow icon. With the X-symbol you can close the entry and get back to the map.

If you have any questions or requests for changes, please contact

Here you can open the form.

Alumni Map (Link)

Scan me! Scan the QR code to view the application on your mobile device.

Privacy Policy for the use of GeoApp Esri

The Alumni Card uses Esri ArcGis Online to visualize geographic information. When using Esri ArcGis Online, Esri also collects, processes and uses data about the use of map features by visitors. For more information about data processing by Esri, please visit