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Hochschule für nachhaltige Entwicklung Eberswalde

EU Research Lab

A cooperation project between the Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development and the Technical University of Applied Sciences of Wildau

Project background

If universities of applied sciences increasingly want to establish themselves in the European research area, they face special challenges. These range from a generally better visibility in the scientific community to enabling successful applications and secure project management in case of success. The EU Research Lab (EUReLa) wants to offer solutions for these challenges. The joint experience of TH Wildau and HNEE should enable the universities of applied sciences to prove themselves as a reliable partner for EU projects in the long term. All processes and instruments developed will therefore be equally applicable to both universities and will be made permanently available to applicants and EU project staff via the data management system.


The aim of the prioject is to strengthen the strategic orientation of both universities with regard to the European Framework Programme for Research and Innovation. The EU Research Lab sees itself as a "development laboratory" for precisely those individual solutions that often reach a decisive boundary in the excellently trained German advisory system. When it comes to questions concerning the concrete implementation of accounting processes in the university, the European positioning of research work in one´s own department or strategic decisions on joining relevant networks and committees, EU speakers often enter uncharted territory together with applicants and project leaders. The establishment of the EU Research Lab at the HNE Eberswalde and the TH Wildau starts exactly at this point and has three superordinate goals (see diagramm on the right):

  1. Strategic Involvement - facilitating visibility
  2. EU Proposal Lab - faciitating success
  3. EU Project Lab - consolidating success

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Dr. Berit Michler

Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development

Tel.: +49 3334 657 181

Chiara Bearzotti

Technical University of Applied Sciences WIldau

Tel.: +49 3375 508 233

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