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Hochschule für nachhaltige Entwicklung Eberswalde

Counselling services for students and prospective students

General Study Matters

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General Study Counselling

gives advice to basic questions concerning the studies. E.g. questions about change of study course or basic organisational questions.

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Subject Advisory Services

can be contacted with specific study programme questions, e.g. regarding the concrete curriculum or individual choice of modules.

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Student Support Service Department

helps with study and examination matters, e.g. questions about application, certicates, enrollment, re-registration etc..

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Student Representation

Here you can find the websites of the student union (AStA), the student councils (FSR) and the vice president of student affairs.

Social Matters

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Family-friendly University

Information and support for students and employees with child. Matters of taking care of relatives are also considered.

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Anti-Discrimination- and Equality Officer

Contact person for students or employees who witnessed or are affected by discrimination.

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Disability Representative

Represents the interests of persons with disabilities of every kind and is available for questions and suggestions.

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Student Peer Counselling

Finding your way through the support system, studying with mental disabilities, counselling and support in difficult times. From student to student, from peer to peer.

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Socio-psychological Counselling

The HNEE is cooperating with the Studentenwerk Frankfurt/Oder to offer private pychological counselling. Here you can find place and time.

International Matters, Financing and Housing


Welcome Programme

Contact point for international students and prospective students - also with a refugee background

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International Office

If you are planning to go abroad, you contact the International Office.


Studentenwerk Frankfurt (Oder)

The Studentenwerk offers consultation hours regarding BAföG. Here you can also find information about the student dorms.

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Here you can find advice about scholarships at the HNEE.

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Student labour and social counselling

Contact point from students for students with questions about working or self-employment while studying.

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RADAR - Department of Anti-Racism and Anti-Discrimination

Department of the Students' Union (AStA) for all students with personal experiences of discrimination.

Carreer and Professional Development

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Career Service

The Career Service offers counselling regarding application, carreer and more. Periodic trainings are also offered.

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The GründungsZentrum advices and supports when questions regarding business creation and self-employment.