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Hochschule für nachhaltige Entwicklung Eberswalde

Ukrainian-German Teaching Network

for a Digital Transformation of Environmental Education

(Consolidation and Expansion Phase 2023)

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Following the former project’s aim, the 2023 project addresses the difficulties of distance learning integrating online tools and technologies into learning and teaching practices. It also promotes the expansion of Ukrainian-German HEIs Network to ensure high quality of environmental education.

Starting from January 2023 six partner universities – Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development (Eberswalde, Germany), National Transport University (Kyiv, Ukraine), Ukrainian National Forestry University (Lviv, Ukraine), Zhytomyr Polytechnic State University (Zhytomyr, Ukraine), Odesa State Environmental University (Odesa, Ukraine) and Lviv State University of Physical Culture (Lviv, Ukraine) – are jointly collaborating on a project which is targeted on the development of sustainable network for digitalisation in higher education. This project is funded by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD).

The objective of the project is to expand the range of e-courses in environmental science degree programmes by advancing approaches and tools for e-education to contribute to the stabilisation of higher education in Ukraine.The Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development serves as an interface and supports the conceptual design and implementation of high-quality digital learning material for selected courses. The concept of the project includes the use of the LMS Moodle at HNEE as well as additional equipment and technical resources available  at HNEE's Digital Learning Labs.

Duration: 01.01.2023 - 31.12.2023

Main Tasks

  • Digital courses for students are being expanded, offered and used by students of the Ukrainian partner university.
  • Lecturers from the Ukrainian partner universities are involved in the courses development and implementation.
  • Expanding professional competencies of Ukrainian lecturers with respect to distance- and e-learning concepts and tools. 
  • Strengthening interdisciplinary and international cooperation between partner institutions.

Key Activities

  • Further analyzing and evaluation of needs in digital teaching and learning competences for environmental science degree programmes in Ukraine.
  • Advancing of existing courses portfolio including development of new courses for distance teaching and learning. Lecturing of developed courses at all partner universities: Adaptive Ecosystem Management, Methods of Environmental Information Processing, Corporate Social Responsibility, Geoecological Informatics, Environmental Economics, Project Management. 
  • Development of guidelines how to design and buildup online learning materials for environmental science degree programmes using digital tools.    
  • Continuous strengthening of the project team competences involving the HNEE DILeLa team.
  • Workshops for Ukrainian lecturers on the topic of digital tools for improvement and transformation of educational environmental courses.

Our Partner Universities

National Transport University

National Transport University (NTU, Kyiv) is a leading higher education institution in the Ukrainian transport sector, founded in 1944. Today NTU trains specialists in 20 fields of study and gives them 30 different qualifications.

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There are three educational centers, a research institute, and eight separate units: 3 educational consulting centers and 5 educational establishments of I-II level of accreditation. Since 2006 the Department of Ecology and Technologies for Protection of the Environment at the NTU has provided training in the field of ecology and nature protection.

► More information about NTU is here.

Ukrainian National Forestry University

The Ukrainian National Forestry University (UNFU), found in 1874, with its actually 300 academic staff members and around 5000 students (including international students from Democratic Republic of Congo, Algeria, Libya, Palestine), is the only HEI in Ukraine providing the full range of study programs for training specialists for the forestry sector.


UNFU offers Bachelor studies in 25 study programmes, Master studies in 21 study programmes, postgraduate studies in 8 programmes and senior doctoral studies in 8 research programmes. The main specialties are forestry, park-and-garden management, landscape architecture, ecology, engineering, machinery, economics, management, environmental and natural resource economics and wood technologies.

► More information about NLTU is here.


Zhytomyr Polytechnic State University

Zhytomyr Polytechnic State University is a university with more than 100 years of history. More than 7000 students are studying and 400 faculty and staff members are currently working at the university. The university has 38 bachelor's, 27 master's and 11 PhD educational programs.

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Currently, there are 89 foreign partner universities with which we have signed cooperation agreements. University’s faculties are active in strengthening internationalization process on the level of separate departments and professionals. The Department of ecology and environmental technologies has highly qualified staff that is actively engaged in scientific researches, practical and teaching activities. 

► More information about ZPSU is here. Also some awareness information available here.

Odesa State Environmental University (OSENU)

The Odessa State Environmental University (OSENU) is only institution of higher education in Ukraine for the training of experts in the field of Hydrometeorology, Environmental Science, Environmental Monitoring and Control, founded in 1932.


Today OSENU trains specialists in 1 fields of study and gives them 25 different qualifications. There are 4 faculties and educational centers, an educational and scientific institute and 3 separate subdivisions of the I-II level of accreditation. Since 1990 the Department of Environmental Science and Environmental Protection at the OSENU has provided training in the field of environmental science and nature protection.

► More information about OSENU is here.

Lviv State University of Physical Culture (LSUPC)

Lviv Institute of Physical Culture was founded in 1946. In 2006 its status was upgraded to Lviv State University of Physical Culture. In 2011 the University was renamed in the honour of Ivan Boberskyy.

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The University trains students in more than 20 different qualifications. The University consists of 5 faculties: Faculty of Physical Culture and Sport; Faculty of Physical Therapy and  Occupational Therapy; Faculty of Pedagogical Education; Faculty of Postdoc and External Education; Faculty of Tourism. Faculty of Tourism is founded in 2001 and now provides education in 3 bachelor and master programs: “Tourism”, “Management” and “Hospitality and Catering”.

► More information about LSUPC is here. Also some awareness information available here.

Team & Contacts

Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development

Project Lead

Prof. Dr. Jan-Peter Mund

Project Manager

Dr. Evelyn Wallor

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Project Coordination

Marianna Matviichuk

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National Transport University

Project Coordinator and Lecturer

Ass.-Prof. Yuliia Nikitchenko



Prof. Dr. Victoria Khrutba

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Ukrainian National Forestry University


Ass.-Prof. Andrii Holovko

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Photos: Marianna Matviichuk

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🇺🇦🇩🇪 Digital Teaching Network for Transformation of Environmental Education

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