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Hochschule für nachhaltige Entwicklung Eberswalde

Still Born

The following information is intended for mothers or fathers who lost their child at a very early age:

In the case of miscarriages, stillbirths and early infant death contact with other parents who have experienced the same or similar things is often a help. 

You are welcome to contact us so that we can arrange appropriate contacts in the university environment for you. In addition, take advantage of the opportunities offered to you, for example, by your doctors and other professional advisors*.

Here are some contacts for affected parents (in German):



Mourning counselling centre in Berlin: counselling / therapy (also early pregnancy), mourning groups, regression courses.


Innitiative Rainbow

For parents who have lost their child before, during or shortly after birth, for affected families, friends and helpers.


Bundesverband Verwaiste Eltern und trauernde Geschwister in Deutschland e. V.

Help and support for all who have to live with the death of a child, regardless of age.

It affects all of us and nobody likes to talk about it. And yet that would often be so helpful. How can we help you in this time of mourning? What would you like us to do? We are grateful for suggestions, wishes and constructive criticism.