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Hochschule für nachhaltige Entwicklung Eberswalde

About Students


The composition of students is international. Students come from various countries across the world. Till now students from more than 20 different countries have taken part in the study programme. They share different professional and cultural experience. This contributes to a lively atmosphere in the FIT programme. Find pictures and details of students here

In the 3rd semester students take part in a research project of limited size in order to gain experience in the field of project development and IT applications. The wide range of selected research topics indicates the potential manifold of future working branches in research and practice.  Although the special focus of the programme is on IT and IT applications, FIT students find Master research topics in a wide range of forestry and environment relevant areas. The special advantage of FIT students is their ability to efficiently combine forest and environmental extertise with the benefits of IT.

As a graduate of the programme with Master degree from the Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development  and University Master degree from the Warsaw University of Life Sciences it is possible to continue academic career via a doctorate degree programme. Have a look at dissertation topics of former graduates