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Hochschule für nachhaltige Entwicklung Eberswalde

Target group & career opportunities

fst- collage

Target group and qualifications for applicants

FST is a consecutive degree programme for graduates of forestry, applied forestry or environmental sciences degrees. Furthermore, FST is suitable for graduates from other Bachelor degrees relating to (forest) ecosystems / natural resource management, and / or socio-ecological system research.

  • As an international degree programme, which is also open to applicants from European and non-European countries, the course modules, projects and papers are consequently provided in English.
  • B2 level English is a necessary requirement. FST is a full-time university-based degree. 

Potential areas of employment

  • Potential areas of employment for graduates are in companies and (forestry) administrations that provide or use (wood) biomass or other ecosystem goods and services, and that actively and self-critically address their activities in order to help shape future developments relevant to their own organisation and its sustainability, and to steer the developments sustainably and positively.
  • Further opportunities can be found in “neighbouring” and “accompanying” fields, for example in (inter)national certification organisations (e.g. PEFC, FSC, SBP, 
), in politics and business consultancy, in international organisations (e.g. FAO, UN, GIZ) or also as a self-employed planner, innovator, etc.

Further information on career opportunities (Download information)