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Hochschule für nachhaltige Entwicklung Eberswalde

Prof. Dr. phil. Hans-Peter Benedikt

Teaching Experience

  • since 1994:

Management training at the Ostdeutsche Sparkassenakademie, Potsdam, Germany

  • 03/1994 - 07/2003:

Lectures at the University of Cooperative Education, Dresden, Germany

  • 03/1994 - 07/2006:

Management training at the Frankfurt School of Finance (Bankakademie), Frankfurt/Main, Germany

  • 02/1995 - 12/1996:

Ukrainian Finance- and Banking School, Kiev; International University of Finance, Kiev

  • 02/1999:

Consultancy and lectures at the Academy of the Bulgarian Statesbank, Sofia, Bulgaria

  • 05/2000 - on-going:

Guest lectures at the University of Finance, Wroclaw, Poland

  • 11/2000 - 07/2006:

Management training at the Academy of the Russian Sberbank, St. Petersburg, Russia

  • 05/2001:

Guest lectures at the Croatian Institute for Banking and Insurance (H.I.B.O.), Zagreb, Croatia

  • 03/2003 - 07/2003:

Guest lectures at the University of Applied Sciences, Dresden, Germany

  • 03/2004 - 07/2005:

Guest lectures “Human Resource Controlling” at the Humboldt-University of Berlin, Germany

  • 04/2004 - 07/2006:

Guest lectures at the University of Economics and Finance (FINEC), St. Petersburg, Russia

  • 04/2004:

Guest lecture at the International Business School, Budapest, Hungary

  • 03/2006:

Guest lecture at the Academy of the National Bank of Vietnam, Hanoi, Vietnam

  • 05/2006:

Guest lecture at the University of Humanity and Economy in Elblag, Poland

  • 11/2006: 

Guest lectures at the St. Petersburg State University, Russia

  • 02/2007 - 03/2007:

Guest lectures in the Master Courses “Political Economics and International Management” at the National University of Vietnam, Faculty of Economics, Ho Chi Minh City

  • 04/2007:

Conference speech "Has European monetary union lived up to expectations? A German perspective" at the international conference "Economy and society under European perspective in the region of Warminsko- Mazurski at the University of Humanity and Economy in Elblag, Poland

  • 09/2007:

Guest lecture at the University of Fortaleza (Unifor), Brazil

  • 11/2008:

Guest lectures at the University of Sana’a, Faculty of Commerce and Economics, Yemen

  • 03/2009:

Guest lecture „A crise financeira, o sistema bancĂĄrio e o descrĂ©dito em relação Ă s instituiçÔes de controle e regulação - o caso da Alemanha“ in cooperation with the Konrad Adenauer Foundation at the Escola de Formação de Governantes in Fortaleza (Brazil)

  • 05/2009:

Guest lecture „Intercultural Management“ at the University of the Humanity und Economy in Elblag, Poland

  • 05/2009:

Guest lecture „Gest ão e culturas em debate internacionais“ at the Politechnical Institut of Coimbra, Portugal

  • 09/2009:

Guest lecture “ Os bancos cooperativos, as universidades e o empreendedorismo - o caso da Alemanha“at the University of the Regional Parliament of Ceará (UNIPAC) in Fortaleza (Brazil)

  • 05/2010:

Guest lecture „Wymiary kultury narodowej„ at the University of the Humanity und Economy in Elblag, Poland

  • 07/ 2010 - ongoing

Research and teaching stay at the LaboratĂłrio de Estudos em Competitividade e Sustentabilidade (LECoS) at the Federal University of CearĂĄ, in Fortaleza (Brazil)

  • 08/2012 -11/2012:

Research stay at the Federal University of CearĂĄ, Faculty of Economics in Fortaleza (Brazil) with a Studies Research Grant of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)

  • 05/2013 - 05/2016:

Seminar ”Cross-Cultural Management” at University of Stettin (Uniwersytet Szczeciński) in cooperation with Guangdong University of Foreign Studies

  •  03/2014:

Guest lecture at the Robson Business School in Yangon, Myanmar

  •  03/2015 - 03/2016:

Guest lecture at University of Porto in the master-program “Economia e Gestao do Ambiente”, Porto, Portugal

  •  02/2016 - ongoing

Guest lecture in the master-program „Banking and Finance” at Yangon University of Economics, Yangon, Myanmar


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