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Hochschule für nachhaltige Entwicklung Eberswalde

Pilot Scheme Bioenergy Farms

In the north-east of Brandenburg, there are several active associations and projects promoting renewable energy. It's important to focus the power in order to avoid repeated similar work and keep results available for all who are concerned.

The coordination and networking of bioenergy-projects in our region mainly take place within the initiative "barum111", the "Network Regenerative Energies" and the cluster ENOB (Energy North-East-Brandenburg).

At barum111, enterprises, associations, the University of Applied Sciences and the administrative districts Barnim and Uckermark work together on saving energy and increasing the share of renewable energy. On some projects students of the university work. In November 2004 we organized a meeting of farmers to exchange information and experiences in the generation and use of bioenergy. There the working group "AG Biogas" for the administrative district Barnim was founded. The group is going to occupy itself with occuring problems during planning, construction and operation of biogas plants.

The regional Network Regenerative Energies is a project of the model region Barnim-Uckermark within the program "Regionen aktiv" (Federal Ministry of Consumer Protection, Food and Agriculture). The network offers information and education as well as further training.

From these initiatives the cluster ENOB was developed to create a regional value chain in biogas use by designing projects, consult farmers, companies and authorities as well as organising an educational infrastructure.

By means of information exchange, organization of financing and cooperations, the Energy Technology Initiative Brandenburg ETI supports the development and use of innovative and energy saving technologies in the federal state of Brandenburg. It is a part of the IHK Potsdam (Chamber of Commerce and Industry). Together with other scientific institutions and representatives of the business world, leading projects are developed and accompanied.

However, many farmers lack detailed information and independent contacts.
During the summer 2004, students questioned farmers in the Barnim, what interests and information they have about the generation of bioenergy. Based on this survey and with further investigations we are going to find out the need for consultation, the restraints of biogas use and possible solutions to pushing problems. The results shall be converted into an extensive draft for further education and training in cooperation with ENOB.

The farmes in the counties Barnim and Uckermark are highly interested in using bioenergy. Some of them already invested in biogas plants or oil-mills and present their experiences on visits to their farms.
Our Objective is to build up and accompany "Bioenergy Farms" (cultivation, harvest, processing and decentralized marketing of biomass, generation and selling of bioenergy in the form of heat, current and fuel) as a pilot project together with interested farmes. Bioenergy Farms also serve as center for information and training and gathers the activities of local associations. Interested consumers, craftsperson, farmers and forester may find able contacts here. First farms are already operating.
Together with the project "GIS-Analysis of Biomass Potential" we work on the logistics and the choice of location.

For contact information see "Impressum".

date: 05. July 2006